NPA & Global Peacebuilding * October 2013

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen

NPA & Global Peacebuilding * October 2013
In September, the National Peace Academy was invited to share our work and philosophy at two special events:  The 6th Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace Summitand the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City’s Conference on Building a Culture of Peace. Read more about both below!
Nesting Peace: Creating Infrastructures to Sustain Diversity
Dot Maver, Mike Abkin, Anne Creter at the “marketplace” during the summit

The Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP) held its 6th summit in Geneva, Switzerland, from September 16-20 with over 200 participants representing 57 countries. The Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace is a worldwide community of civil society campaigns, organizations, committed citizens, and elected and appointed government officials from over 40 countries.

Each summit has been represented by several members from organizations in the United States. This year the National Peace Academy collaborated with The Peace Alliance and the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding to offer a joint presentation entitled, “The U.S. Story: Integrated Peacebuilding – local to global.”  Click here to read more about this important summit – including outcomes, videos, photos and more.

Join us on a call Monday, October 14th to hear updates from those of us who attended the summit!

6:00-7:15pm (Pacific)/9:00-10:15pm (Eastern)

Call-in Number: 862-902-0250  * Access Code 3698002#
Building a Culture of Peace in Mexico
Tony Jenkins delivers keynote on Education for a Culture of Peace

Tony Jenkins, NPA’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, recently spoke at the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District of Mexico City’s conference on “Building a Culture of Peace: Talks and Experiences.”  The conference was a celebration of the Commission’s 20th anniversary that also coincided with the 25th anniversary of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), a major supporter of peace education developments around the world.  Held September 18-19, the conference featured the exchange of perspectives, experiences and strategies for building a culture of peace from academics, policy makers, activists and educators from throughout Mexico and Central and South America.


Tony delivered a keynote on “Education for a Culture of Peace: Pedagogies for Personal, Social and Political Transformation,” illuminating educational strategies necessary for nurturing cultural change and transformation.  Tony shared some of the experiences of the National Peace Academy and highlighted the importance of approaching peacebuilding with an educator’s mindset.



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