Jay OwenGreen Prosperity


6930 Carroll Avenue, #340; Takoma Park, MD 20912

301-270-6477 x.11; fax: 301-270-4291


twitter hashtag: #dcenergyexpo


 Media Advisory

16th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy

and Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum


(and free live webcast)


Efficiency + Renewables = Economic & National Security!



In cooperation with Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucuses, and in partnership with the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, Congressional Energy Savings Performance Contract Caucus, High Performance Building Caucus, Green Schools Caucus, and Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Caucus,the Sustainable Energy Coalition will host, and webcast live, the 16th annual Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum. 


This year’s EXPO will bring together more than fifty businesses, sustainable energy industry trade associations, government agencies, and energy policy research organizations to showcase the status and near-term potential of the cross-section of renewable energy (biofuels/biomass, geothermal, solar, water, wind) and energy efficiency technologies.  The morning program will feature Members of the U.S. Congress and throughout the day speakers will discuss – in person and via live webcast – the role sustainable energy technologies can play in meeting America’s energy needs.


As Congress, the Administration, the business community, environmental advocates, and American voters search for options to stimulate the economy and “green jobs,” as well as address issues of national security, higher energy costs, increased reliance on energy imports, and the environmental threats associated with energy consumption, the EXPO will help address the role that sustainable energy technologies might play.  This will include not only the technical aspects of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies but also related issues such as economics, jobs potential, environmental benefits, current and near-term market potential, model programs in the public and private sectors, and institutional, financial and legal barriers.



Wednesday, June 12, 2013

9:30 am – 4:30 pm:  exhibits open for viewing (exhibitors list follows – room #345)

9:40 am – 4:00 pm:  Administration, exhibitor speakers (schedule follows – room #340)

11:00 am – noon:  presentations by Members of Congress (partial list follows – room #345)



Cannon House Office Building

Caucus Room (#345) & Veterans Affairs (#340)

U.S. House of Representatives

Independence Avenue and New Jersey Avenue, S.E.

Washington, DC 20515


The EXPO is free, open to the public, and no RSVPs are required.



Presentations by the speakers participating in the “Forum” portion of the program will be webcast live (9:40 am – 10:40 am & 12:05 pm – 4:00 pm). The link for the livecast will be: .



Ken Bossong, Sustainable Energy Coalition*  301-270-6477 x.11 or


*Founded in 1992, the Sustainable Energy Coalition is a coalition of 21 national business, environmental, and energy policy organizations supporting aggressive development of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.  





Carol Werner, Executive Director, Environmental & Energy Study Institute (Veterans Affairs – #340)

Scott Sklar, President, The Stella Group, Ltd. (Caucus Room – #345)


9:40 AM – 10:20 AM:  OVERVIEW – GEOTHERMAL – SOLAR & PV (Veterans Affairs – #340)

Scott Sklar, President – The Stella Group, Ltd.; Adjunct Professor – George Washington University

Synthesis of Critical Studies on High-Value Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy:

Highlights of the newest renewable energy and efficiency studies on what the “green” portfolio value is to the U.S. and the globe.


Ruth McCormick, Senior Policy Associate – Business Council for Sustainable Energy

Renewables + Efficiency + Natural Gas = Growth Sectors of the U.S. Economy:

The renewable energy, natural gas and energy efficiency industries have been working together for over two decades and a newly-released BCSE study shows how these industries are changing the U.S. electricity system.


Karl Gawell, Executive Director – Geothermal Energy Association

The Geothermal Industry in 2013:

A review of the industry status in 2013 and the trends in the growth of the US and international geothermal market.


Mike Hartley, Director of Structured Finance – Standard Solar, Inc.

Getting Solar PV to the “Tipping Point”:

What is needed to get the photovoltaic industry from today to the point where the industry is sustainable with substantial government incentives.


Stanley Greschner, Vice President, Government Relations – GRID Alternatives

Low-Income Solar Market Segment:

This session will focus on how non-profit solar installer GRID Alternatives is bringing the benefits of PV-solar and job training opportunities to low-income families and communities. 




10:25 AM – 10:40 AM (Veterans Affairs – #340)

Craig O’Connor, Ofc of Renewable Energy & Environmental Exports, U.S. Import-Export Bank




10:45 AM – 11:00 AM (Caucus Room – #345)**

Dr. David T. Danielson, Assistant Secretary for EE/RE, U.S. Department of Energy



11:00 AM – NOON Members of Congress (Caucus Room – #345)**

U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen, D-MD (expected)
U.S. Representative David G. Reichert, R-WA (expected)
U.S. Representative Paul Tonko, D-NY (expected)

U.S. Representative Tony Cardenas, D-CA (expected)

(more may be announced)




12:05 PM – 12:20 PM (Veterans Affairs – #340)

Kathy Ahsing, Director of Planning, U.S. Army Energy Initiatives Task Force




12:25 PM – 1:05 PM: BIOFUELS – BIODIESEL – BIOMETHANE (Veterans Affairs – #340)

Robert E. Kozak, Founder and Board Member – Advanced Biofuels USA

Biofuels – All-of-the-Above Is Not the Solution:

The solution to climate change is not natural gas or other non-renewable fuels; the only solution on the fuel side is renewable and it’s time for the public and government to demand a truly sustainable renewable future.


Ezra Finkin, Director, Policy and External Relations – Diesel Technology Forum

Clean Diesel Delivers Growth:

Find out how new technology diesel engines move people and goods across the country with near zero emissions and powered by sustainable biofuels.


Dr. Robert T. Do, President and CEO – Solena Fuels Corp.

Negotiating Off-Take Agreements for Biofuels from MSW:

Based on Solena Fuels biofuels facility development experience in London and Berlin, Dr. Do will explain how biofuels will be produced at a very competitive spot market price.


Anne Steckel, Vice President of Federal Affairs – National Biodiesel Board

Biodiesel and the RFS:

The power of biodiesel and the RFS to strengthen our energy security, grow the economy and reduce carbon emissions in a cost-effective way.


Steve Wilburn, President & CEO – FirmGreen Inc.

Renewable Biomethane – a Sustainable Alternative Fuel:

Biogas remains an underused resource in the U.S. that could help achieve energy security, by diversifying the use of locally produced alternative fuels such as Biomethane, as demonstrated in FirmGreen’s award winning project in Brazil.




1:10 PM – 1:40 PM: HYDROPOWER – OCEAN POWER – WATER/ENERGY NEXUS (Veterans Affairs – #340)

Matthew Nocella, Assistant Manager of Strategic Communications – National Hydropower Association

Hydropower’s Role in Our Clean Energy Future: 

Hydropower has tremendous opportunity to grow its role in the nation’s energy portfolio through various technologies, including conventional, new marine, and pumped storage applications.


Jacob Irving, President – Canadian Hydropower Association

Canadian Hydropower –  A Powerful Solution for North America’s Electricity Needs:

Canada and the U.S. have been exchanging affordable, reliable, clean and renewable hydropower throughout our history.  This mutually beneficial relationship continues and can grow toward meeting economic, social and environmental needs.  


Carolyn Elefant, Co-Founder and General Counsel – Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition

Niche Markets in a Global Environment:

A brief overview of varied opportunities for marine and hydrokinetic power from local distributed generation and desalination to utility scale and export markets.


Thomas Horner, Vice President – Water Management, Inc.

One Water:

Water, Sewer, Stormwater and the water/energy nexus




1:45 PM – 2:00 PM (Veterans Affairs – #340)

John Norris, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission




2:05 PM – 2:55 PM: ENERGY EFFICIENCY(Veterans Affairs – #340)

Jennifer Schafer, Executive Director – Federal Performance Contracting Coalition

Saving Energy in Federal Buildings:

The use of Energy Savings Performance Contracting to increase the energy efficiency of federal buildings and facilities and the actions needed and underway to comply with the President’s performance contracting goal.


Mike Kandel, Senior Communications Associate – Building Performance Institute

Energy Efficiency Starts at Home:

Before installing renewables, focusing on residential efficiency improvements reduces load demand, and helps transform homes into comfortable & healthy places to live; learn what BPI is doing to ensure quality energy upgrades are done right.


Eric G. Huffman, Director of Sales – Sunoptic/Acuity Brands

Daylighting for a Greener Economy:

How daylighting can impact local energy demands and green job growth for a sustainable future in the United States.


Jeff Beiter, Managing Partner – Capstone Turbine Distributor, E-Finity Distributed Generation

American-Made MicroTurbine for Reliable Onsite Power:

Learn how Capstone turbines are providing resilient, onsite cooling, heating, and power for a wide variety of facilities nationwide.


Andy Kunz, President & CEO – U.S. High Speed Rail Association

High Speed Rail – 21st Century Sustainable Transportation for America:

Hear about transportation and its interrelationship with energy consumption the great prospects for high speed rail in America, and how a national system can significantly reduce the country’s fossil fuel dependency.


David Johnston, CEO/Executive Director – EIFS Industry Members Association

The Benefits of Using EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems):

The evolution of the EIFS industry over the last decade, from energy efficiency to codes and standards.




3:00 PM – 3:15 PM (Veterans Affairs – #340)

Beth Craig, Director, U.S. EPA’s Climate Protection Partnership Division




3:20 PM – 4:00 PM: STORAGE – EV’s – GRID ISSUES (Veterans Affairs – #340)

Dennis McKinley, Director of  North American Wind Power (for ABB)

Sustainable and Efficient Solutions for Modernizing the Power Grid:

Advances in power and automation technology is critical to modernizing today’s aging infrastructure. In this presentation, ABB will guide participants on how renewable generation and integration can improve quality and reliability of the grid.


Katherine Hamilton, Policy Director – Electricity Storage Association

Energy Storage – the Great Enabler:

Energy storage is being commercially deployed widely; learn about where these projects are being installed & how they are integrating energy efficiency & renewable energy to facilitate a cleaner, more efficient, & more reliable electric grid.


Doretta Caprarola, Marketing Manager – Fuji Electric Corporation of America

Building Sustainable EV Charging Infrastructure:

Discuss the path towards a self-sustaining revenue model for EV Charging Equipment Suppliers and EV Charging Station Owners, charging for charging.


Dan Arden, Eaton Cooper (for the National Electrical Manufacturers Association)

Volt/VAR Control and Optimization:

How Conservation Voltage Reduction and Volt/VAR Optimization Improve Grid and Industrial Efficiency


Gary Seifert, Business Development Executive – OSISoft

Power of Data in Microgrids:

The power of data in energy efficient data centers and renewable integration.




**Speakers in the Cannon Caucus Room may not be part of the live webcast (still to be determined) but may be included in the videotape of the day’s program that will eventually be posted on-line at



ABB, Inc.

Abengoa Solar LLC

Advanced Biofuels Association

Advanced Biofuels USA

Algae Biomass Organization

American Biogas Council

American Council On Renewable Energy

Biomass Power Association

Building Performance Institute

Business Council for Sustainable Energy

Canadian Hydropower Association

Capstone Turbine distributor, E-Finity Distributed Generation, LLC

Center for Small Business & Environment

CHP Association

DC Sustainable Energy Utility

Diesel Technology Forum

E.I.F.S. Industry Members Association

Electricity Storage Association

Environmental & Energy Study Institute

Federal Performance Contracting Coalition

FirmGreen, Inc.

Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association

Fuji Electric Corp. of America

Geothermal Energy Association

GRID Alternatives

Green America

Growth Energy

The Heat is Power Association

Industrial Energy Efficiency Coalition

Iowa Renewable Fuels Association

Labor Management Cooperative Trust

Lutron Electronics

Motech Americas LLC

National Biodiesel Board

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

National Hydropower Association

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

NREL’s Energy Innovation Portal

Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition


SAGE Electrochromics, Inc.

Solena Fuels Corporation

Standard Solar

Stion Corporation

Sunoptics, an Acuity Brands Company

Sustainable Energy Fund

The Stella Group, Ltd

U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR

U.S. High Speed Rail Association

Vermont Energy Investment Corporation

Viridian Energy

Water Management Inc.




The EXPO and Forum are free, open-to-the-public, and advance registration is not required.  However, if you would like to be added to an e-mail list to receive periodic updates on exhibitors, speakers, and the day’s schedule please send your name, organization (if applicable), and e-mail address to: or




We welcome assistance in publicizing the EXPO + Forum. Please tell your colleagues and friends about the event via any social media you may use. If you have a twitter account, we are using the hashtag  dcenergyexpo and one suggestion for a tweet is: Are you a #cleanenergy fan? Then don’t miss the #DCEnergyEXPO June 12! Admin. speakers, 50+ exhibitors, all free!



Please consider:

** sharing this information via e-mail and social networks with your friends and colleagues who may be in the nation’s Capitol at that time;
** contacting the Members of your Congressional delegation as well as congressional staff (congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121) and encouraging them to speak at and/or visit the EXPO + Forum;
** watching the live webcast of the “Forum” (i.e., the speakers) portion of the day’s event; the link for the livecast will be: ;  and

** viewing the videotape of the Forum — a week or ten days after June 12 it will be posted on-line on the web page of the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (




Did You Know?  From 1950 to 2011, energy intensity in the U.S. decreased by 58% per real dollar of GDP. Moreover, the U.S. could double its energy productivity by 2030 and create a million new jobs. Efficiency gains could reduce U.S. household energy bills by as much as $1,000 a year and cut $169 billion annually from the energy bills of U.S. businesses.


Did You Know?  According to the U.S. EIA, renewable energy sources (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) provided 11.5% of domestic energy production and 12.2% of net electrical generation in 2012. And FERC reports that renewable energy sources accounted for 49.1% of all new domestic electrical generating capacity installed in 2012.


Did You Know?  There are now 7.7 gigawatts (GW) of solar installed in the U.S. – enough to power more than 1.2 million American homes – and5.2 GW more is expected to be installed this year.


Did You Know?  Over the past year, installed geothermal capacity in the U.S. grew by 5% to 3,386 MW and 175 geothermal projects are currently in development, equal to 5,150-5,523 MW of known geothermal resource.


Did You Know?  Fuel cell vehicles on the road in the U.S. are anticipated to rise from 430 in 2013 to over 53,000 by 2017, new installed capacity in the stationary fuel cell sector will top 200 MW this year, and revenues in the fuel cell sector are projected to grow at a rate of 26% annually over the next decade.


Did You Know?  The U.S. installed a record 13,124 megawatts of wind electric generating capacity in 2012, leveraging $25 billion in private investment, and achieving over 60,000 MW of cumulative wind capacity making it the #1 source of new U.S. electric generating capacity. That is enough to power the equivalent of almost 15 million homes.


Did You Know?  The U.S. could add 60,000 MW of new hydro capacity by 2025 while estimates for technically recoverable hydrokinetic resources are 120 TWh/yr – equal to about 3% of annual electricity use.


Did You Know?  There are more than 4,100 combined heat & power (CHP) systems in use in the U.S. totaling more than 82 GW of installed capacity, representing about 8% of total U.S. electric power generation capacity; there is untapped CHP potential of about 130 GW at industrial, institutional, and commercial facilities.


Did You Know?  In 2012, U.S. ethanol production reached ~13.3 billion gallons, contributed $43.4 billion to the national GDP, directly employed 87,292 Americans, and displaced 465 million barrels of imported oil worth $47.2 billion.


Did You Know?  If all 50 states adopted a “low energy case” building design, newly constructed buildings would consume about 18 percent less energy in the average state, translating into energy cost savings of over 22% in 10 years.


Did You Know?  The global biogas market reached revenues of $17.3 billion in 2011 and is forecast to hit a market value of $33.1 billion by 2022 with the U.S. expected to increase generation from 9,072 GWh in 2012 to 20,936 GWh in 2025. 

Did You Know?  Since 2010, LED lamps & fixtures installed in the U.S. have increased 10-fold from 4.5 million units to 49 million units in 2012; switching 100% to LED lights over the next 20 years could save $250 billion in energy costs.


Did You Know?  The U.S. biodiesel industry broke the 1 billion gallon mark in 2012 for the second consecutive year. And there are now more than 80 advanced biofuel companies, refineries and related operations located in at least 27 states.


Did You Know?  Investments in grid-scale advanced batteries will total ~$30 billion through 2020; the U.S. government alone has 39 different battery and energy storage related research programs that have invested ~$1.3 billion since 2009.
