In this issue
Expansion of Emerging Integrated Reporting Database Begins
IIRC Pilot Programme Is Expanding
Progress toward Version 1.0 of the Framework
VIDEO: New Years greetings from the CEO
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Expansion of Emerging Integrated Reporting Database Begins
Further examples of Integrated Reporting are coming to the fore as the IIRC examines recent reports and expands on the Emerging <IR> Database in order to share these innovations with others. In January, in order to provide more extensive practical help to businesses the Black Sun and the IIRC will commence an on-going process of updating the Emerging <IR> Database. This tool, which was launched in September 2012, showcases emerging practices and demonstrates how the businesses included in the Database are applying the Guiding Principles and Content Elements of Integrated Reporting. The Database has been based on the principles outlined in the IIRC’s 2011 Discussion Paper, however, over the next few months the examples will be re-categorized in accordance to the Prototype of the International <IR> Framework.
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IIRC Pilot Programme Is Expanding
At its Tokyo Council meeting in November 2012, the IIRC decided that additional businesses should be invited to join the Business Network of its Pilot Programme, the IIRC’s ‘innovation hub’ where the concepts and principles of <IR> are tested in a safe and collaborative environment. The IIRC’s goal is to increase the total number of businesses road-testing the International <IR> Framework, which is the clearest possible demonstration that the market is increasing its support for <IR>.
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Progress toward Version 1.0 of the Framework
The IIRC will release Version 1.0 of the International <IR> Framework by the end of 2013. Before doing so, from 16 April, the IIRC will conduct a three–month public consultation during which it will call on stakeholders to provide feedback. In preparation for the consultation period, the IIRC established Technical Collaboration Groups tasked with preparing background papers on key technical topics relating to the Framework. These background papers will be released in February 2013 and will be public documents available on the IIRC website.