How the Affordable Care Act works and more headlines from the American Sustainable Business Council

Ethical MarketsSRI/ESG News

Weekly Policy Update: July 24, 2012


HHS Webinar

Join us on August 6th at 3:00 EST for a discussion featuring guest Sol Ross, Business Director at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He will detail how the Affordable Care Act works and participate in a Q&A session.

Please use the following link to register – webinar access and a call in number will be provided upon registration. Participants can join by computer or by phone.

Green Chamber of Commerce Marin Mixer

The Green Chamber of Commerce will host a Benefit Corporation Forum at The Venture Greenhouse of Dominican University, 30 Castro Ave., San Rafael, CA 94901 on Thursday, July 26, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Contact the Green Chamber of Commerce for details.


President?s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness

As some of you know we have raised the idea of getting one of our business leaders placed on the President?s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness on several occasions with White House officials. The most recent conversation took place during the June Business Summit for a Sustainable Economy.

The Council?s Director recently asked us to submit a few names for consideration for membership in the President?s Council.

Here is the link to the home page as well as the link to the current members of the President?s Council. If you are interested in having your name submitted for consideration, please contact David Levine and include a copy of your CV.  Please respond by July 25th.

New Membership Partnership and Discounts ? SVN and ASBC

In a reciprocal arrangement Social Venture Network and ASBC are offering cross-organizational discounts.

Social Venture Network is celebrating its 25-Year Anniversary and is offering a $200 discount to ASBC partners who would like to attend their first SVN conference. Likewise SVN members can receive a 20% discount on their first year ASBC membership dues.

The next SVN Fall Conference will be held November 14-17 in Rye Brook New York. To receive this offer, please use the code PARTNER-200 during checkout. Click here for more information and to register.

Campaign Updates


Regulations that level the playing field create incentives for innovation and protect consumers and employees are under threat.  The House of Representatives is voting on H.R. 4078, a package of bills that will upend forty years of regulatory precedent and halt regulations intended to correct market imperfections.  ASBC sent this letter to explain how these anti-regulatory bills hurt business and consumers.

Business for Democracy

ASBC submitted written testimony and 2,000 Business for Democracy petition signatures to a U.S Senate Judiciary subcommittee for its hearing on the effects of Citizens United and the rise of Super-PACs.  The testimony makes the case that unlimited and unaccountable campaign spending hurts small- and medium-sized businesses.

Toxic Substances

A historic vote to reform the nation?s toxic chemical laws will be taken July 25th in the Senate Environment and Public Works committee.  The vote on the Safer Chemicals Act of 2012 is the first vote to modernize the Toxic Substances Control Act since the law?s enactment in 1976.  Urge your Senator to support the Safer Chemicals Act of 2012.


There is positive momentum and support for the Massachusetts Benefit Corporation amendment to the economic development bill (now renamed S 2350). The bill passed the Senate Floor yesterday with our amendment intact. The bill will now go into a Conference Committee between the two legislative houses to iron out the differences.  Show your support for the MA B-Corp legislation.

Production Tax Credit (PTC)

The renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) is up for renewal in Congress and is vital to developing a clean energy future for America. The credit helps manufacturers continue to develop proven renewable energy projects, saves jobs, and keeps electricity affordable. There is bipartisan support for the credit. The delay in reauthorizing the PTC is already causing turbine orders to drop off and new factories to be cancelled. Let Congress know that you support extending the production tax credit today!

In the Media

Rethinking Prosperity: Ideas for “Fixing the Future?”

Verizon and AT&T’s Internet Mugging Threatens U.S Prosperity

Minimum Wage to Raise America?