UN Global Compact Bulletin – August 2010

kristyGlobal Citizen

1. Global Compact Marks 10 Year Anniversary
2. Private Sector Declaration Presented at African Union Summit
3. Local Network Update

Global Compact Network Launched in Uganda
Dominican Executives Share Highlights from Leaders Summit at Local Event
4. Participant Status: New Signatories, COPs and Delistings

1. Support Sustainable Development: Partnership Opportunities for Business
2. CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles
3. Join the Low Carbon Leaders Project
4. Opportunities to Address Human Trafficking

Trafficking in Persons Survey
Pilot of e-Learning tool
5. More Opportunities: SEED Initiative Award, Human Rights G ood Practices, and more

1. Guide to Human Rights Impact Assessment and Management
2. Tourism and Millennium Development Goals

1. World Expo 2010: UN G lobal Compact Exhibition at the UN Pavilion (2-13 Aug, Shanghai)

2010 Event Calendar

World Expo 2010: UN Global Compact Exhibition at the UN Pavilion (2-13 Aug, Shanghai)

Global Compact High Level Forum China (2 Aug)
Global Compact China – Japan – Korea Roundtable Conference (3 Aug)
Accelerating Progress Towards the Millennium Development G oals Through Inclusive Business (21 Sep, New York )
2010 World Business and Development Awards Ceremony (21 Sep, New York )
Third UN Private Sector Forum: The Millennium Development G oals (22 Sep, New York )

Caring for Climate / B4E Special Event (4-5 Oct, Mexico City )

World Climate Summit (4-5 Dec, Cancún)
7th Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Working G roup (9-10 Dec, New York )

Please visit the Event Calendar on our website to learn more about the listed events, including intended audience and availability.

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1. G lobal Compact Marks 10 Year Anniversary
On July 2000, a small G lobal Compact initiative – comprised of just 40 companies, as well as influential civil society, labour and employer organizations – set out on a mission to introduce universal principles to business everywhere. Ten years later, the G lobal Compact stands as the world’s largest global corporate responsibility initiative, with over 8,000 signatories based in more than 135 countries. The “United Nations G lobal Compact Annual Review – Anniversary Edition” was developed to mark the occasion – taking stock of the initiative today and highlighting milestones since 2000 in all key areas. More. Download Global Compact Annual Review – Anniversary Edition.

2. Private Sector Declaration Presented at African Union Summit
The African Private Sector Forum (22-23 July, Kampala ), held in conjunction with the 15th African Union Summit, centered on the theme “Creating New Business Opportunities in the Aftermath of the G lobal Economic and Financial Crisis”. The African Private Sector Forum Declaration, agreed at the conclusion of the event, outlines priority actions for the private sector, governments, the Regional Economic Communities and the African Union to enhance the competitiveness of African industries and improve the continent’s share of global trade and investment flows. The Declaration was presented on 25 July to Heads of State and G overnment attending the Summit . More. Download African Private Sector Forum Declaration.

3. Local Network Update
– G lobal Compact Network Launched in Uganda
The G lobal Compact Network Uganda was officially launched by Finance Minister Syda Bbumba, at a gathering of more than 60 business, civil society and government representatives (27 July, Kampala). During the event, participants elected a steering committee to guide the development of the Local Network. The Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE) will act as secretariat. More.

– Dominican Executives Share Highlights from Leaders Summit at Local Event
Following attendance of the G lobal Compact Leaders Summit 2010 (24-25 June, New York), several Dominican business leaders convened an event (Santo Domingo, 20 July) through the Local Network to share Summit highlights and outcomes. Among the topics discussed were the New York Declaration, the sub-themes of the Summit , and how to increase engagement in the G lobal Compact by Dominican business and civil society. More.

4. Participant Status: New Signatories, COPs and Delistings
In July, 91 companies and 41 non-business stakeholders joined the G lobal Compact. 36 companies were delisted for failing to communicate on progress. The largest companies (by employee number) to join during the month were: Atos Origin (France), Australian Postal Corporation (Australia), Vallourec (France), G roup of Companies Rosvodokanal (Russian Federation), and Vivo S.A. (Brazil).

Total figures as of 31 July:

Business participants: 6,113
Non-business participants: 2,310
COPs received: 8,739
Delisted business participants: 1,459
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Opportunities are intended for G lobal Compact stakeholders unless otherwise indicated.

1. Support Sustainable Development: Partnership Opportunities for Business
This year marks a decade since world leaders committed to the Millennium Development G oals (MD G s), but much remains to be done to reach these critical milestones. Business leaders must intensify their efforts to help combat global poverty, hunger and disease and are encouraged to make a new commitment in support of the MD G s. You may wish to consider engaging in existing partnership opportunities across the UN System – which both contribute to the MD G s and could benefit from additional corporate participation.

We encourage you to review the prepared list of partnership opportunities from across the UN System and learn more about how your organization can get involved.

2. CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles
The G lobal Compact calls on top executives of participating companies to sign the CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles in advance of the Millennium Development G oals Summit (22 September, New York). Achieving MD G #3 – Promote gender equality and empower women – is not possible without the support of the private sector. By signing the CEO Statement, companies communicate to governments, civil society and other stakeholders that they are serious about gender equality.

Download a list of the first companies to endorse the CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles. To sign the CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles, please fill out the information form and return it to Lauren G ula ([email protected]) and Laraine Mills ([email protected]).

3. Join the Low Carbon Leaders Project
Caring for Climate is collaborating with World Wildlife Fund on the Low-Carbon Leaders Project (LCLP), an open source, multi-media platform aimed at capturing and sharing transformative low-carbon solutions. LCLP seeks to develop tools and methodologies to identify solutions, calculate and report results, as well as explore avenues of policy support to accelerate uptake of solutions. The full report of the LCLP will be presented at the Caring for Climate/B4E Special Event (4-5 October, Mexico City ).

LCLP welcomes the input and feedback of Caring for Climate signatories in the areas of solution leadership, policy frameworks, and methodologies for reporting on positive contributions. For more information, please download the LCLP leaflet or send an email to [email protected].

3. Opportunities to Address Human Trafficking
– Trafficking in Persons Survey
Dalberg G lobal Development Advisors is assisting UN agencies to better understand the challenges and responses to trafficking in persons. As part of this process, they are requesting the help of representatives from all G lobal Compact stakeholders in answering a short survey.

All G lobal Compact participants and stakeholders, regardless of area of focus, are encouraged to complete the short survey. Your help is greatly appreciated. Access Survey.

– Pilot of E-Learning tool
UN. G IFT and the End Human Trafficking Now! Campaign are developing an e-learning tool for companies to sensitize and empower companies on human trafficking – why it is an issue for business and what companies can do to take action. The interactive, web-based tool can be used to inform employees from the Board to general staff about the importance of adopting a zero-tolerance policy, and will provide information on how to incorporate relevant policies and mechanisms, including in the supply chain.

Global Compact business participants are invited to test the e-learning tool and assist in the validation of content, as well as to help ensure the relevance and value of the content. If you are interested in becoming a partner during the pilot testing period, please contact Ms. Aranka-Livia Wagner ([email protected]).

4. More Opportunities: SEED Initiative Award, Human Rights G ood Practices, and more
Many of the engagement opportunities announced in past issues of the Bulletin are still active. View the full list of Engagement Opportunities

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1. G uide to Human Rights Impact Assessment and Management: Interactive online tool — revised from the Road-Testing Draft 2007 — designed to provide companies with guidance on how to assess and manage human rights risks and impacts of their business activities. Link to HRIAM site.

2. Tourism and the Millennium Development G oals: Reviews current research, trends and advances in addressing the MD G s through the tourism industry. An interactive publication, providing comprehensive information on the linkages between tourism and the eradication of poverty. Download.

Please visit the Tools and Resources webpage to access all material issued by the G lobal Compact.

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1. World Expo 2010: UN G lobal Compact Exhibition at the UN Pavilion (2-13 Aug, Shanghai)
– OPEN EVENT – The theme for the UN Pavilion will be “One UN, One Earth”. Participating in both permanent and changing exhibitions within the UN Pavilion, the G lobal Compact will demonstrate how the business community, through Local Networks, are promoting sustainable development around the world. Key side events include:

For more information on the World Expo Shanghai and related events please contact Meng Liu ([email protected]).