Ethical Advertising

We recognize Communications and Ethical Advertising and showcase sponsors, partners and colleagues who do the same.  While not accepting advertising on our sites.  The site was created as a public service to gather and disseminate information on socially and environmentally responsible investments and practices and on the green transition markets growing around the world.

The EthicMark® Awards for Communications and Advertising, has raised the bar by recognizing inspiring ad campaigns in both profit and non-profit categories. The EthicMark® Awards have been presented often at annual SRI Conferences.

Socially responsible business and investment opportunities have been around for decades, but now they are reaching farther into the mainstream, including advertising and branding. This site acts as a filter for much of the information from this financial, governmental, and social sector with which we are bombarded.  The EthicMark® Awards’ goals and criteria are part of our vetting standards.

As a Certified B Corporation, we hope to eventually become profitable as well as provide a public service. To that end, we partner with many non-profits, NGOs, and highly qualified businesses that adhere to stringent social and ethical criteria, as used by all major socially responsible mutual funds and by our Ethical Markets® Quality of Life Indicators, developed jointly by Hazel Henderson and Calvert in 2000.

Likewise, the site seeks to build connections with as many global public interest groups, media, and research organizations promoting these high standards as possible. The site exchanges links with like-minded organizations and provide publicity for deserving non-profits.

Every post, banner, video and other content found on the site is purpose-driven: to be timely, to inform, and to empower.