Lockheed Martin, Boeing Set Course for the Smart Grid

Ethical MarketsTrendspotting

Posted September 4, 2009
The smart grid is getting safer as defense contractors are being named to public utility projects. Makes sense, as the buildout is sure going to be spendy, including a possible $85 million in Cisco gear for PG&Es grid. Meanwhile, a Honeywell exec changed gears to become the CEO of First Solar. Solar production might be ramping up soon, so don’t miss Nanosolar’s big coming-out party. Virtualization had a party of its own at VMWorld 2009 where new software that saves electricity for businesses was unveiled. In your own home, you might be able to save some money and keep cool with Coolerado’s new home AC units. Those already cool-Canadians might not need AC, but they’re gearing up for some heat on the Great Canadian Feed-In Tariff. More of a DIY type of homeowner? Then Armageddon Energy’s build your own solar panels might be for you! Read more…