A Note From Barbara Marx Hubbard

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen

Ethical Markets  recommends both of these ground-breaking conferences ,  Hazel Henderson, Editor



Dearest Friends,


In October I will be traveling abroad to France and Mexico to speak at two very exciting events.  I would love for you to join me if you are near or would like to travel to either of these locations.  



International Forum on Conscious Evolution

The Evolution of Consciousness

October 12 – Paris, France


The International Forum on the Evolution of Consciousness is an annual event that brings together visionaries from around the world to share inspiring discoveries, emergent paradigms and new perspectives that catalyze evolution in our awareness and transform culture.




Fifth Worldwide Meeting on Human Values

Human Values & Universal Consciousness – A Path to Oneness

October 17-19 – Monterrey, Mexico


The Council for the Promotion of Human Values and Culture of Lawfulness offers for the fifth time a space for dialog and reflection where the best practices are presented to inspire politicians, entrepreneurs, leaders, social actors, and the community in general.


Conference details: www.emv2013.org



If you have evolutionary friends that live in either of these areas, I would appreciate your letting them know about these gatherings. I would also very much enjoy meeting them.


Love & blessings,