Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

Positive Money



What do you think needs to change in finance? You have an opportunity to let us know your opinion in a survey below. There was a remarkable conference in USA last week and the video presentations are available now. The Transforming Finance conference is happening in London next week. And Positive Money is looking for new directors! Please find out more below.


1) Conference “Fixing the Banking System for Good” – Video

A very interesting conference took place on 17th April 2013 in Philadelphia, USA. This was the first conference ever where top academics, including: Adair Turner, Laurence Kotlikoff, Michael Kumhof and Jeffrey Sachs, were seriously discussing ending fractional reserve banking.

Now you can watch the recording of their presentations – highly recommended:

Conference “Fixing the Banking System for Good” – Video

“One of the most fundamental insight is that banks simultaneously create new credit and new money ex nihilo. And that is one of the most fundamental, important things for people to be taught, which economics undergraduates should be taught about the nature of how monetary economy with banks works.”
– Lord Adair Turner 


2) Become a director of Positive Money

Positive Money is looking for new board members to join our board of directors who can make a significant and positive contribution to the governance of the organisation. In particular we’re looking for directors with at least 10 years experience in areas such as finance, management, corporate governance and risk management, company law, fundraising and HR. 

See here for further details


3) What do you think needs to change in finance?

With less than two weeks to go until the Transforming Finance conference we want to know what YOU think needs to change, to make finance work in the long term interests of people and planet.

Please answer 13 questions here

If you’d like to come to the Transforming Finance conference, do book your place soon, as space is running out.

4) Upcoming Events

London, Fri 10 May – Transforming Finance Conference

New York, USA, Sun 12 May – Fixing our Broken Money System

West Yorkshire, Tue 21 May – Screening of “97% Owned” & Discussion

Hay on Wye, Sat 25 May – Modernising Money at HAY Festival Wales

London, Sun 26 May – “Sunday Papers Live” with Ben Dyson

University of Cumbria, Fri 7th June – Talk ‘The Money Myth’ by Prof Bendell

London, 10th-11th June – Economics is for everyone (Workshop organized by the Jubilee Debt Campaign)


5) Latest from the Blog

The solution we are all looking for… – Modernising Money Book Review

BBC Radio 4 – Stephanomics

Ending ‘Too Big To Fail’

Debt must be cut while banks are encouraged to lend more. What is the answer?

George Selgin advocates fractional reserve…Or does he?

Dirk Bezemer on Positive Money: A Response


Best wishes,

Ben, Mira, Drew, Henry, Fran & Miriam


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