Tamera Newsletter (click here to read online) April 2013
Dear friends of Tamera,
with most warmhearted greetings from Tamera we want to inform you about two initiatives and invite you to take part:
1. The TERRA NOVA SCHOOL will start on May 1st
The Terra Nova School wants to join together and empower people and groups worldwide who work for a new Earth without violence and war, Terra Nova. The Terra Nova School is intended to become a catalyst for global system-change. At the heart of the school are the development of global consciousness, the insight into coming healing processes and the implementation of real-life models for future life.
Main learning subjects are:
Concrete Utopia: Ecological and technological solutions for self-sufficiency and the healing of water, nonviolent cooperation with animals and decentralized energy supply
Healing of love: Building functioning communities of trust, a new image of love, Eros and healing, a free raising of children, a new field of female power.
Theory of global revolution: The science of transformation. Why a few groups can change the world.
How to participate? The Terra Nova School consists of groups worldwide which continuously study new thoughts and pass them on to friends, neighbors and interested people, at conferences, festivals, in communities and networks, as this helps building a new information field on Earth.
We envision the groups in the different cities and countries as “revolutionary cells” dedicated to TERRA NOVA, places such as a simple book store or cafe, a cultural center, a community, a farm with “water retention landscape”, a model university or an entire Healing Biotope.
We have set up a basic curriculum for the first year. Each month will be dedicated to an essential issue in the form of an education package with study texts, further literature as well as videos or speeches. We recommend you to form groups and meet for a common study time once a week to actively work with this material. To deepen the issues, we will set up live-streams of lectures from the Tamera University in the second half of the months. (…)
We manifest the new Earth the more we can see its vision and talk about. And the deeper we can do that the stronger our power will be. This is how you will become attraction points for the revolutionary powers, many more will come and want to participate. Please write to: igp@tamera.org.
More: http://www.tamera.org/index.
2. Third International Water Symposium June 6 -9
Water is life. Water is crucial for the survival of all beings on planet earth. Already 1 billion people don´t have access to clean drinking water. The so-called natural disasters as well as the effects of climate change are in many cases the result of a wrong understanding of water and a destruction of the water cycles.
However the global water cycles can still be healed and restored if we learn to treat water as a living being, as an element for connection and information.
For the third time Tamera has invited experts, activists and policy makers from many countries to exchange their knowledge. Our main goal is to join forces and knowledge to create regional solutions for the global water crisis.
We invite heartfully all people who want to learn more what water is and what we all can do to restore the water cycles.
Some of the Topics:
– The Tamera Water Retention Landscape as an aswer to desertification and globalizaton
– Water Retention through keyline concepts and swales
– Holistic planned grazing
– Climate change adaption and water management
– Resistance against dam building and water privatization
– Solutions for Groundwater salinization
– Living Water Quality
We want to focus on the plan to build a regional model “Alentejo,” which is able to stop the ongoing desertification in Southern Portugal and create a sustainable food sovreignty. In this way, a model for the world could develop in Portugal.
With contributions by:
– Prof. Filipe Duarte Santos, Climate Change Adaption, Lisbon
– Dr. Míllan Míllan, meteorologist, Valencia
– John Liu, environmental film maker, USA/China
– Bernd Müller, head of the ecology department, Tamera
– Sally Silverstone, Biosphere 2, USA
– Sabine Lichtenfels, co-founder Tamera
– Joss Brooks, Auroville, India (to be confirmed)
– N.N., Savory Institute, USA (to be confirmed)
– Sergio Maraschin, Transition towns, Portugal (to be confirmed)
– Jerry van den Berge, Initiative for the Right of Water and Sanitation, NL (to be confirmed)
– Bernd Kröplin, the Memory of Water, Berlin (invited)
– Jürgen Kleinwächter, inventor, Germany
– Horst Wagner, inventor, Germany
– N.N., Water as an element of Peace and Reconciliation, Middle East
More Seminars at the Tamera University, overview
The complete seminar and event calendar for Tamera 2013, with all opportunities to visit and get to know Tamera
3. Tamera Support Circle
We thank all those who have recently entered the Tamera Support Circle. This has been a great support for our work. The campaign “1000 supporters for Tamera” continues. Please become keepers of a global dream by entering with a monthly donation of your choice. More: Support Circle.
Beyond that, Tamera is looking for donors who want to invest larger funding into the research areas. Invest in Peace
We greet all our friends in the world!
The Community of Tamera
P.S.1: Don´t forget our campaign: 1000 supporters for Tamera! With a monthly contribution in the amount of your choice you become part of the realisation and part of the increasing planetary community, which will bring peace models into being worldwide. More:http://www.tamera.org/index.
P.S. 2: Please send us a mail should you no longer wish to receive our newsletter.
If you do not receive the newsletter in a proper version, please open it here: http://www.tamera.org/index.