14 Real Estate Crowdfunding Lessons from 2014

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

January 7

Real Estate Crowdfunding Lessons from 2014 [Video]
— Scott Picken, the founder and ceo of the global real estate crowdfunding platform Wealth Migrate, recently sat down and shared some of his biggest lessons learned from 2014, focusing on real estate
crowdfunding. Find out what his biggest takeaways from 2014 were, and what his thoughts are on succeeding in 2015 after the jump.


Drops Amazon Payments, Partners with Stripe

Kickstarter, the leading creative crowdfunding platform, announced this week that it has decided to end its long-standing partnership with Amazon Payments. The platform?s payment processing will
now be handled by Stripe.

Crowdsourcing in 2015: Where Is It Heading?

Ehsan Ehsani, co-founder of crowdsourced innovation platform Ennomotive, writes in to discuss the state of crowdsourcing, and where he believes it will go in 2015. One of his predictions: look out
for more crowdsourcing mobile apps. Read the rest after the jump!

Best Practices: A Primer for the New Year

In her first Rose Recommends column of 2015, crowdfunding expert Rose Spinelli takes a step back and looks at how knowledge about crowdfunding has progressed in the past year, and what needs to
be done for more people to succeed in 2015. She suggests that it’s not just about knowing the fundamentals ? it’s about putting it together with hard work and a community of willing helpers to achieve a common goal. Read her latest column, and leave your questions
for her in the comments!

Drops Campaign Fees
the end of last year, HeadFunder co-founder Chris LaBonty reached out to inform us that his platform has dropped all fees associated with its campaigns (save for the payment processing fees taken by WePay). It joins other platforms making similar changes,
like Indiegogo and Tilt, which have also dropped fees for certain (but not all) campaigns. We reached out to LaBonty to ask about the change, and we share his answers in today’s story.

Growing Jobs on Freelancer [Infographic]
today, Freelancer put out a brief and an infographic (created by one of the freelancers on the platform, naturally) showing some of the fastest growing skill categories on its platform. The company also revealed that 74 percent of its users are ‘millennials’
(which it defines as between ages 18 and 34). Check out the infographic after the jump!

Zuckerberg Crowdsourcing New Year?s Resolutions
of us make our New Year?s resolutions in private, sharing it with select family members and friends. When you?re the ceo of the largest social media network, though, it?s appropriate to be a little more public about your goals for the new year.


7 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate Crowdfunding

7 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate Crowdfunding Pre-Order the 2014CF Crowdfunding Industry Report

Pre-Order the 2014CF Crowdfunding Industry Report! Pre-Order the 2014CF Crowdfunding for Real Estate Report

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Crowdfunding Industry and Crowdfunding for Real Estate Reports: Pre-Order Today at a Special Pre-Release Price!

How fast is crowdfunding growing? How big is the market expected to be in 2015? How many investors and developers are turning to real estate crowdfunding?
Pre-order Massolution?s upcoming 2014CF Crowdfunding Industry and 2014CF Crowdfunding Real Estate reports to find out the answers to these questions and many more!

the Vault: Will the Rise of Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Help Unemployed Young Americans?

Evan Hafer, CEO of TwistRate, writes in to discuss how both crowdsourcing and crowdfunding can help young veterans looking to enter the workforce.

Crowdfunding Market: Software and Solutions Report

Massolution recently published the 2013CF Crowdfunding Market: Software and Solutions Report. It is a definitive guide to available crowdfunding software
and solutions providers. This report will guide you to the choices for building the platform you want, whether it is for donations, rewards, lending, equity, or royalty; whether it is a new site, an addition to an existing one, or a single campaign; whether
you do it yourself or hire a provider.

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