Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Articles by Hazel Henderson

FACING UP TO INEQUALITY: NEW APPROACHES BEYOND ECONOMISM Hazel Henderson* Grim recent studies reveal the shocking increase in inequality globally, both between and within countries. Anti-poverty economic policies since World War II have done little, except for their notable success in China. Worldwide, the share of nations’ productivity increases going …

Rethinking Scale: From Quantitative to Qualitative Growth.We need to downsize destructive growth and scale up restorative growth in our economies.

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Articles by Hazel Henderson

By Hazel Henderson UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon proclaimed the new international goal of happiness on March 20, 2013, following yearlong research on redefining economic criteria for human development, launched in April 2012. The long-sought goal of the Industrial Revolution was to expand inventions, scaling up technologies to increase their …

Better is Better Than More: Complexity, Economic Progress, and Qualitative Growth

kristyBeyond GDP

Michael Benedikt and Michael Oden Center for Sustainable Development Working Paper Series – 2011(01) In this Working Paper from the Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Texas at Austin, authors Benedikt and Oden argue that “quality is more than an outlying variable addressed by adding a term (or …

Better is Better Than More: Complexity, Economic Progress, and Qualitative Growth

kristyBeyond GDP

Michael Benedikt and Michael Oden Center for Sustainable Development Working Paper Series – 2011(01) In this Working Paper from the Center for Sustianable Development at the Univeristy of Texas at Austin, authors Benedikt and Oden argue that “quality is more than an outlying variable addressed by adding a term (or …

SB 2010 Power of “&” Meets Power of Emerging Measures

Ethical Markets - RBeyond GDP, Poetry by Hazel Henderson

Hazel Henderson presented at the Sustainable Brands 2010 conference in Monterrey, California, on Re-Defining the Metrics of Success: The Emerging Measures of Qualitative Growth, presenting some of her newest thinking on why GDP serves poorly as the ultimate measure of progress.  In this video of her presentation, she offers a …