The Giving Generation

Ethical MarketsTrendspotting, Advisors' Forum

By ELIE WINNINGHOFF How the new philanthropists’ intellectual capital is changing society. Unlike in days of yore, when folks waited until retirement before turning into tea-and-biscuits philanthropists, many newly wealthy Americans today are rolling up their sleeves and starting small- to medium-size charitable foundations when they are in midlife transition. …

The Giving Generation

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity

How the new philanthropists’ intellectual capital is changing society Unlike the days of yore, when folks waited until retirement before turning into tea-and-biscuits philanthropists, many newly wealthy Americans today are rolling up their sleeves and starting small-to-medium foundations when they are in mid-life transition. Foundations now in the hands of …

“I need advertising,” said Earth. A call for RFPs, by Martha Shaw.

kristySRI/ESG News, Global Citizen, Sustainability News, Wealth of Networks

“I need advertising,” said Earth. A call for RFPs, by Martha Shaw. New York – Apr. 20 – If Earth had an ad budget, it would hire Earth Advertising, or at least that was my assumption when I invented the agency in 1999, originally eFlicks Media. “Earth needs a good …