Chapter VII: Metaphysical Balls

Ethical MarketsThe Power of Yin

Brain function: Brain does not secrete mind. Cosmic or Christic Consciousness. The physics of envisioning: Everything begins in vision. Reality is as we construct it! Devolution and decentralization. “Union differentiates.” Barbara: Jean, I would like to ask you a question about the evolution of the human brain. Is it possible …

Changing Games in the Global Casino

Ethical MarketsTrendspotting

Posted June 17, 2008 By Hazel Henderson Ever since the 1980s when Britain’s Margaret Thatcher and US President Ronald Reagan spurred de-regulation of global finance and privatization, market fundamentalism became the main game. At last, the world is seeing the difference between money and real wealth, between “demand” in markets …

EthicsWorld: June 17, 2008

Ethical MarketsGlobal Citizen

====CONFERENCE UPDATE: Bentley College Hosts Program on Values-Integrated Business; Conference on Anti-Corruption in South Asia. See EthicsWorld News from NGOs for details and other annoucements.===== Ethics and Employees American Business Ethics Survey Focuses on Human Resource Officer – A new survey produced jointly by The Society for Human Resource Management …

Greener Computing News: June 11, 2008

Ethical MarketsResource Efficiency

A Note from the Editor When it comes to IT, what does “green” really mean? To a certain extent, it’s a word that’s in danger of geting coopted by the marketing departments of hardware and software makers. However, there’s a simple concept that we can use instead — sustainability, which …

Cursos IBP

Ethical MarketsSRI/ESG News

OBJETIVOS Promover o conhecimento teórico e prático sobre os requisitos, os métodos e meios para o desenvolvimento e implementação de auditorias internas de sistemas de gestão integrada da qualidade, ambiental, de segurança e saúde ocupacional e de responsabilidade social de modo a atender de forma mais vantajosa, eficaz e eficiente …


Ethical MarketsSRI/ESG News

From: Green Living: the Newsletter of Climate Change Philanthropy Action Network (CCPAN), No. 2, May 2008 Stephen Viederman In 1997 William McKeown, a lawyer at a leading New York firm, concluded his article on Being True to Your Mission: Social Investments for Endowments by observing that, “In order to fulfill …

Sustainable Investing: The Financial Challenge of the 21st Century

Ethical MarketsSRI/ESG News

Edited by Cary Krosinsky and Nick Robins. London: Earthscan, expected late 2008 Chapter 16: FIDUCIARY DUTY, CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE INVESTING Stephen Viederman Since the beginning of the industrial revolution at the end of the 18th century, human impact on the environment has increased exponentially. Scientists observe that since then …

EPA EnergyStar Program Off the Charts Winter 2008

Ethical MarketsGreentech

Off the Charts EPA Energy Star Program: A newsletter covering energy management for the financial markets, this issue covers energy efficiency among the S&P500 and financing carbon savings from buildings.

GreenBuzz: June 9, 2008

Ethical MarketsResource Efficiency

Taking Care of Business The telecommunications industry seems to be dialing into the green world, if you believe this week’s burst of headlines from that sector. In just the past week, Verizon was feted by the feds for an energy-efficient cal center. Cox communications unveiled its latest efforts to conserve …